FREE IB Resources
StudyIB - This is an online resource highlighting key points for subjects like: DP Biology, DP Chemistry, DP English A Language & Literature, DP Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches, DP Mathematics Applications & Interpretations SL, DP Physics and DP Spanish B..
CHEMISTRY: YouTube: IB Chemistry by Andrew Weng - If you are more of a watching rather than reading type and are taking IB Chemistry, check out the Andrew Weng channel. The videos are short and contain the most important information. A great way to review for tests and exams.
BIOLOGY: BioNinja - If you are taking Biology and want some notes that summarise all the topics, consider checking out BioNinja. If you like making your own guide, this could be a good starting point.
RevisionVillage - If you are looking for question banks, practice papers and more this could be something for you. Please note that not all topics are available for free!
YouTuber: PatrickJMT - If you want to review topics by watching videos then consider checking out Patrick's YouTube Channel. He has a mixture of Topic videos (typically around 20 minutes long) and IB Sample Exam Question Videos (typically under 5 minutes, where he walks you though hall of the steps in order to get full points).
PAID IB Resources
IB Questionbank: Here you will find all questions from the past exams. You will be table to filter them and create your open 'Question Packs'. We highly suggest you ask your teacher for permission to use this website before purchasing.
IBO Follett Shop: Here you will be able to find past papers and over preparation books to buy.
IB Preparation Books
Chemistry Study and Revision Guide by Christopher Talbot and Richard Harwood
Physics Study and Revision Guide by John Allum
Environmental Systems and Societies Study and Revision Guide by Andrew Davis and Garrett Nagle
Psychology Study and Revision Guide by Jean-Marc Lawton and Eleanor Willard
Business Management Study and Revision Guide by Paul Hoang
IB Biology Revision Workbook by Roxanne Russo