Tutoring and exam preparation

Our certified tutors can help you learn the syllabus and pass your exams.
Sometimes, students need help to improve their academic skills. Over a long period of time, we have built up an extensive database of tutors and experts in their field from all over the world, who will be able to approach and help every student. Our tutors are postgraduates, schoolteachers and university professors who have been thoroughly tested on their ability to teach students.
Our certified tutors can help you with IB, A-level, Cambridge Pre-University, PSAT, SAT, IELTS, TOEFL and other exams.
If you are currently in secondary school, we also offer classes to help you with your further university studies. We can already start building up your portfolio for successful entry to the university of your dreams. The earlier you start preparing for university, the better your chances of success!
What will you get?
Our aim is to provide value to our client through high quality services
  • I.B.
    English A SL / HL
    English B SL / HL
    Russian A SL /HL
    Russian B SL / HL
    German A SL / HL
    German A SL / HL
    Economics SL / HL
    History SL / HL
    Physics SL / HL
    Biology SL / HL
    Chemistry SL / HL
    all levels of Mathematics
  • A-Level
    Further Mathematics
    Economics A
    Economics B
  • Cambrige Pre-University
    Further Mathematics
  • SAT
    Mathematics Level 1
    Mathematics Level 2
  • Matura
  • USE (Unified State Exam ЕГЭ)
    Russian language
    Mathematics (basic and profiled/further maths) Physics
Examination preparation
As a student, you must pass certain examinations before your application will be considered for admission to university. Each university asks for certain examinations that show the level of general and language knowledge. College Bound offers you many tutors and cooperation with students to ensure that you succeed in the required examinations. We recommend that you book a consultation or contact us for more information so that your child has the best chance of getting the results he or she wants and of passing the right examinations for admission.
We also support private candidates. If you want to take an exam that is not offered by your school, we will be happy to help you find alternative schools that will allow you to take the exam.
When choosing your field of study, we recommend that you talk to people who work in the area of your interest, as this will give you a better understanding of what you can expect during and after your studies. If you need this kind of consultation, please leave a request online!
The exam determines the level of English language skills required for entry to some universities in the UK, Europe and the USA. It consists of reading, listening, writing and an oral examination. Most universities require a minimum score of 6-8 (maximum 9) and above for successful entry.
The American equivalent of the IELTS has four parts: listening, reading, writing and oral examination. The minimum score for successful entry is 78 out of 120 or higher.
The ACT is a standardised test used for college admissions in the United States. It is usually taken by students who are more likely to take STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects. The test consists of reading, mathematics, science, and an additional written test. A minimum score of 33 out of a possible 36 is required for admission to elite universities in the USA.
The SAT is a more common alternative to the ACT, widely used for college admissions in the US. It consists of reading, writing, math problem solving and an optional essay. The maximum SAT score is 1600. Elite colleges look for candidates with a score from 1450. The PSAT is a pre-test of the SAT and is usually administered to10th year students.

L Universities to select students for law schools using the LNAT examination. LNATdoes not test your knowledge of law or any other subject. Instead, it assesses your general understanding and reasoning skills, which are vital to the study and practice of law. It is a two-part test: multiple-choice questions based on extracts from texts and an essay. In previous years, the statistics show that successful candidates scored an average of 25 out of a possible 42.
The Biomedical Admission Test is a test for students applying to medical, biomedical, and dental faculties in the UK. Typical BMAT candidates score about 5.0, about half the marks possible. The best candidates score around 6.0, and some exceptional candidates score 7.0 or more. The BMAT tests your problem-solving skills, scientific knowledge and ethical ability.

The UCAT is the University Clinical Aptitude Test. It is an entrance test used in the selection process by a consortium of universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand for degree programmes in medicine and dentistry.

The UCAT is a more widely used alternative to the BMAT. The test consists of 5 sections: oral reasoning, decision-making, quantitative reasoning, abstract reasoning and situational reasoning. Most of those being tested score between 500 and 700 in each of these sections, with a maximum of 900.
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